Stress-relieving, Heart Opener, Foundness Massage
Powerful energetic progression
We highly recommend it for women, men and couples
Stressful life, chaotic conditions, only focusing on work and rushing life? You are tired of everythingand you don’t know how to continue to hold up? You know the feeling, right?!
“When our bodies don’t feel good, we go to the doctor, but when our minds don’t feelgood, what do we do? Almost nothing.Our minds are full of thoughts that we cannot escape from. This condition is called astressful lifestyle. It is not our fault to lose balance on the physical and mental levels. It isimportant that you learn to slow down because chaotic thoughts can only create chaos. Inharmonious inner silence, you can regain your true self.Be simple because life itself is simple.Maintain harmony and natural rhythm. If we can love ourselves, be compassionate with oneanother and respect each other, then people will achieve unity and harmony.I will show you the way where you can find harmony and yourself.I’m not taking you where you know what you know, but to what you have forgotten. Receive it andexperience it! If you take my hand I will lead you there. I am looking forward to seeing you at any of our sessions. Change the way you think and yourlife will change.
Book your relaxation session now!
Most people struggle with the lack of love. Rush, lots of travels, few kind words – brokenrelationship, few hugs, loneliness. Lack of physical contact characterises our lives. Couplesoften only live beside each other and not with each other. Intimacy has started to lose itsformer important role.
Yet, touch and hugs are basic human needs.If you miss sharing with someone what hurts your heart, if you miss a hug orsomeone to care about you, come to me. I give you all of this in my sessions with touch, hugs, love, and kindwords.If you are longing for attention, love and hugs, you will be in good hands with me.Foundness Massage is a gentle, spoiling massage that will help put this feeling of lack back intobalance in your life.You will feel the positive energy radiating into your body.By the time the massage is over, there will be no sign of tension, your soul will calm downand your body will regenerate.How will you feel at the end of the massage?You will be filled with positive thoughts, energy and desire for action. There will be notrace of negative feelings.Harmony, tranquillity, emptiness, love and peace will overflow in your soul.The duration of the treatments can be 1 hour, 90 minutes, 2 hours; in the first half of themassage I “touch” the back and the back of the foot. Then I touch the receptive front part ofthe body and the face. This whole time, my clients experience a wonderful meditative state.They may consider what I provide as blessings, healing, miracle, ethereal soft yet strongfemale energy.The massage is done by hand and contains no sexual services!
“Every time I touch someone’s body, life, or soul, the world changes within them. Whatever kindness orservice I provide, whether visible or invisible, my (God’s) purposes are accomplished andsomething will be permanently changed.”