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You can use any of my services amidst profound energies and meditation. The goal of any massage is to keep your energy flow throughout your body. By feeling a touch as a passive recipient, you can develop and use a kind of body-conscious and concentrated energy and self-discipline. Massage is a delicate art. Primarily, it’s about love and not the skills you learnt.

I was 14 when I first wanted to make people feel good and dreamed of my happiness when people came to me for a massage and felt my gentle touch and energies on their body during the treatment.

At that time, I was unaware of my spiritual abilities. I had no idea about the big asset that God had given to me for my life on Earth. Now I know it. Yet, I couldn’t just start giving people a massage. First, I had to go to a school to learn anatomy and massage techniques.

At that point I realised I should first learn the techniques to forget them right away! I was always driven by my feelings. That’s what I teach my clients and the people around me.

Understand your feelings and let them guide you!

When a practitioner already knows massage, it’s 90% LOVE and only the remaining 10% is technique. When your body relaxes, all you need is a relationship based on love. What do I mean? When the massage therapist loves their client as a human being, respecting them as a person of a priceless value and when the client knows they can trust the therapist, letting the therapist use and circulate their energies, then things connect and I feel like starting to play a wonderful instrument. While I’m working on your body and soul, which you have lent to me, your inhibitions and tensions will be reduced. By the end of your treatment, all of your stress and negative thoughts will disappear as they are replaced by a pure unconditional love energy.

Eventually, I had to wait until I was 28 to fulfil my childhood dream. But until then I had thoroughly learnt massage techniques from diverse cultures and have fully transformed them to my own techniques by today. Of the high diversity of cultures, my favourite one is Indian Ayurveda. This is what makes my treatments so special and tailor-made.

Each time I can create something, I can see and feel a miracle. Each time I take a look at my client lying on the table, I feel the same enthusiasm and wonder as if I was doing my first massage because I know that in the very end my client’s soul will flourish, refresh and pay attention to itself.

My qualifications:

Swedish Massage (Europe)

Prana Energy Healing (Europe)

Theta Healing Instructor (Europe)

Ayurvedic Massage Therapist (East India and Europe)

Tantric Massage Therapist (East India and Europe)

Life Style Therapist (Europe)

Life Coach (Europe)

Foundness treatment instruktor ( europe)


My Story

As a 5-year-old girl, I experienced physical violence, which was regular until the age of 14. Then I was
living in a terrible relationship for 8 years where violence was dominant. This left a chagrin both in
terms of self-confidence and in my feminity. I felt hurt, empty, vulnerable, deceived, and a nobody. I
had no self-confidence, I felt that everyone was using my body as they wanted and I had no control
over it. One day, when I was fed up with all these, I started to defend myself, stand up for myself,
and a long journey of self-development had commenced.
That’s when I came across Theta healing. First, it was practised on me as therapy, then I learned how
to release emotional blocks and I was also able to apply it to my clients. I have always thought that
sexuality is not only "used" for orgasm or procreation. Love shows respect and has a healing effect.
And I was craving for healing, for love, for a good word but I didn't want to hear about sexuality. I
knew that I had to fix this problem urgently.

My parents didn’t teach me anything about sexuality and how to become a woman. That's why later I
learned a lot about sex and how to deal with trauma. I thought for a long time that I would be a fine
woman only if I satisfied my partner's sexual desires and humiliated myself. Nobody cared if I wanted
it or not. As a woman, I didn't feel any emotion, I just did my job. Fortunately orgasm is not necessary
to procreate children, if it was so, I wouldn't have children now. I was living in a big misconception. I
was unhappy, I felt that this was not the life I wanted. That's why I kept looking for my own way. I
came across Tantra and managed to treat most of my traumas and learned from these experiences.
Then I realized why these problems had occured to me, what my life mission was and what I really
wanted in life: to be a free fine woman. The traumas stored in the yoni and lower abdomen
completely blocked the flow of energy. My goal was to be able to live as a happy woman, during sex

to be able to connect not only physically but also with my soul, spirit and heart. I also wanted to
teach and show my daughters how to become real honest women. This was my mission to heal all
my sexual traumas, so that they no longer continue this program.
That was the hardest, even harder than forgiveness. On this spiritual way, tantra and my partner
helped me a lot. I was able to get to know myself better by using sexual energy/life energy. I
completely opened my heart and thus I was able to accept my partner as well. It was a lot of work to
get to this point so as not to reject my partner or fake an orgasm. I was absolutely unable to
experience this until I was 36 years old. I fully understand the ladies who turn to us for help.

I already thought I was on the right track when again a long journey of self-discovery began. I was
wondering who I was as a woman, what my feelings and my thoughts had been. If someone praised
me, I took it as harassment and I was afraid that they had bad intentions or would attack me and I
couldn't defend myself. So, I had to work a lot to be able to take in the energy of love and I had to
practise not to get vulnerable. Despite a lot of self-work, an even tougher period began in 2018. I was
diagnosed with uterine cancer, of which I almost died 2 times. I knew right from the start that the
lack of forgiveness towards my first husband, the other person who had raped me for many years
and the lack of self-forgiveness, the unhealed energy blocks(violence) I had as a young girl and then
till the age of 27 had been the causes of my illness. I realized that I still kept a lot of anger in my lower
abdomen and yoni. A year and a half journey of self-discovery, a lot of self-healing with Tantra, and
my partner helped me out of this illness that almost ended in death. I have been completely
symptom-free since 2021, and I have been continuously working hard to keep it that way.

This journey was a good way to experience many things myself and be able to help those having the
same problem. What I know now is that it carried a message for me. We are people with different
learning tasks. It is always easier to help others than solve our own traumas. I guess you think the
same way. I have been giving energetic massage treatments for 18 years, and tantric energetic
treatment for men for 5 years. My partner does the same for women. I also keep workshops for
groups and couples. I apply tantra with a holistic approach, so I belong to the neutantra line. I
learned the tantra massage techniques from experienced tantra masseuses and I am constantly
learning them from my guests as well, because every tantric energetic treatment is different. I
believe that the person must be treated with one’s whole heart. The sexual, the kundalini energy

must flow openly, so that the guest can experience what tantra is. This energy cleanses, heals, lifts up
both of us. There are so many methods that help us develop our self-awareness. But we are still
reluctant to discover them through our sexuality, even though this is part of our life. My goal is to
help the people who turn to me and are willing to try out this method.

I have created this website with love and passion, hoping to help you inspire and enrich your
thoughts and knowledge about spirituality and Tantra healing. Read, use the menu bar and discover
the Tantric magic in them. Take the knowledge and energy with love. I wish you a good reading.
With Love,

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